Calm Vs. Inhibited
Often what our client sees as ‘calm’, I am seeing as extremely inhibited.
So what’s the difference and how can we tell?
Calm Vs. Inhibited
Proofing a chin rest for Cooperative Care
Cooperative care - building tolerance
Adira - teaching a lie out - session 1
Adira - teaching a chin rest - session 1
Low Stress catheter placement
Example of low stress cat grooming
Cooperative Blood Draw from leg
Jugular Blood Draw - practice at the vets #1
Jugular Blood Draw - practice at the vets #2
Example of a cooperative care health check
Scratch board session #2
Teaching a dog to use a scratch board
A simple counterconditioning technique for cooperative care training
Using Reverse Luring to teach a sustained chin rest
Adira - Cooperative care for eye cleaning