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blog by Hannah Sadgrove


Teach your dog Scent Work - Step 4
This is where the real fun begins! We have an indication on our target odour, but up until now our dogs have been using their eyes, not...

Teach your dog Scent Work Step 3
Ok! We've got the hover indication down to a fine art on a coin, it's time to transfer that indication over to the target odour so we can...

Teach Your Dog Scent Work - Step Two
This video shows you the second half of the indication training. You've got your dog interested in the coin on the ground, and they're...

Teach Your Dog Scent Work Step One
How to teach the indication. In this first video, we're looking at just getting the indication started. This is separate from the dog...

An Introduction to Scent Work
As we progress through teaching our own dogs how to play scent work games, we'll film and post those here so you can follow along. We'll...

Adira - Scent work session 3
Meet Adira AKA BabyDog! She is our seriously adorable rescue pup who we got mid 2020. Adira is a double merle, which means the person who...

Adira - Scent work session 2
Meet Adira AKA BabyDog! She is our seriously adorable rescue pup who we got mid 2020. Adira is a double merle, which means the person who...

Adira - Scent work session 1
Meet Adira AKA BabyDog! She is our seriously adorable rescue pup who we got mid 2020. Adira is a double merle, which means the person who...
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